Homework at home

Ahead of schedule, packets for our Schoolwork at Home program will be available starting today. Packets can be picked up in several ways: 

  • At any school site in our district, including the district office, located at 8450 S. Olive Ave. in Mohave Valley by C&D Feeds, the Little League Fields, and Riverpointe Baptist Church.
  • At our Mobile Meal Stops as well as our Grab and Go sites at Camp Mohave and Fort Mojave Elementary Schools
  • Online at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Cx0ELcm_C9dIDy988aa9x1JqUEZ8j1Cb . Please note: This link will be the link for the entire duration of our school closure: Parents will simply look in the coordinated school folder by date. 
  • Via email from your teacher

If you log into the link, you can access any grade's work:



Once inside the grade level folder, you'll see folders for the next several weeks (we're not predicting when school will reopen- we simply wanted to be prepared):



Once inside the grade level weekly folder, you'll see the week's materials:



As mentioned in an earlier article, packets will have two components: Paper assignments, and links to video support for each lesson. 


The district's plan is that we will have the next week's materials posted by the Friday before, providing enough time to get the materials to the schools and buses in time for Friday's meal service, both on sight as well as through the bus routes. 


To complement instruction, teachers will be checking in with their students on a weekly basis, providing time for interaction, questions, review, etc. Calls were made this week to determine the best method of delivering packets, as well as to set up times to conference with your child each week. If you did not receive a call, please contact the school office or the teacher directly via email to make arrangements to speak with your child's teacher to coordinate information. 

We appreciate your patience as we embark on this process, but know that through constant communication, we will all get through this!